About Marisa's Musings

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, magic, and power in it." - Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

As a New Year's resolution for 2010, I have avowed to invest time in creative writing. Since I fulfilled my resolution from last year, which was to publish a poetry book (mission accomplished: http://tinyurl.com/yhk5tf2), I am now inspired to write more poetry, creative nonfiction and fiction to fill another book and keep up my momentum.

Now that I am a "professional" writer (which I define as getting a paycheck for what I write - no matter how meager) and spend the majority of my days immersed in journalistic endeavors, it is always a challenge to switch my brain to creative mode and switch my computer back on at the end of the day. Thus, I have created this blog to keep me on task and accountable - there is nothing like an empty blog and some social-networking guilt to keep me motivated.

The three tenets for my new blog for the next year are:
  • As a practice in creative non-fiction, I will write at least 50 vignettes on my "2010 adventures." I reserve the right to be indulgent in what I consider an adventure.
  •  I will continue to update my current blog (http://marisabeahm.blogspot.com) in the same frequency/fashion as I have for the last few years.
  • I will post at least one new poem a month.